Thursday, October 31, 2019

Numerical Precision Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Numerical Precision - Research Paper Example In order to be concerned with the right resulting solution, Goldberg (1991) asserts that we must consider the memory and the running time of the computer. This issue is further worsened because a lot of computer algorithms add approximations to house discrete computer. Goldberg (1991) adds that Java uses a small unit of IEEE 754 binary floating point standard to signify floating point numbers and explain the results of arithmetic operations. He says that a float is signified by 32 bits and that each mixture of possible bits signify an actual number, meaning that 232 possible real figures can be signified even though there are a lot of markedly actual numbers. IEEE standards do use the inner picture same as scientific code but in binary rather than base 10. This shelters a range from +/-1.40129846432481707e-45 to around +/-3.40282346638528860e+3 and with about 6 or 7 important decimal digits, plus or minus infinity as well as not a number. The number contains ‘s’ denoting plus or minus, 8 bits for advocate ’e’ and then 23 bits for a mantissa ’M.’ Goldberg (1991) adds that the decimal number is represented by the formula given as, (-1)s * m * 2(e-127) , Where; Sign bit ‘s’ (bit 31), Exponent field ‘e’ (bits 30 - 23) and, Mantissa ‘m’ (22 - 0). Floating-point arithmetic is the famous method of representing real figures in the contemporary computers. Faking an immeasurable, real figures with the machine figures is not a job that is forthright, negotiations that are a bit ingenious must be found amid correctness, swiftness, the ease of using it, lively range as well as application and memory. I therefore argue that floating-point arithmetic along well chosen precision, radix or any other limit is a very good negotiation for a lot of numerical implementations. Good memory performance of CPUs is mostly around the locality of the orientation and this is the same with the GPUs though with se veral significant alterations. The figure below shows a comparison of memory performance of the GPU and CPU. Buck (2005) argues that it is the role of cache that gives the difference between the performance in memory of a GPU and that of a CPU. He adds that the cache in the GPU hurries filtering of surface and therefore they need to be so big as the size of the sieve kernel for the surface sampler hat is a little it tiny and being seeded computation. On he other hand, Buck (2005) vows that the GPU cache formats are enhanced for two sizes and are not wanted. This unlike to the Pentium 4 caches that works at a great clock rate with megabytes of statistics. Moreover, he Pentium 4 cache has the ability to read as well as written memory operations unlike GPU cache for read-only surface statistics. Binary Code Decimal is an example of binary indoctrination of decimal figures where every decimal factor is denoted by a secure number of bits, it is always four to eight. The main asset of Bin ary Coded Decimal is a more perfect picture and rounding of decimal units and make it informal for human-readable picture. It with an advantage that one decimal numeral can be signified by the use of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Irish Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Irish Law - Essay Example Case can be referred to the European Court of Justice for final judgments. Commission has general responsibility of promoting good industrial relations in Ireland. In regard it provides a comprehensive range of industrial relations services including advice, conflict resolution,( conciliation facilitation and mediation) and conflict prevention. Conciliation is a voluntary mediation process. In this process, a professional external mediator assists employers and their employees to resolve disputes when their efforts have not succeeded. The process can be described as a facilitated search for agreement between disputing parties. The Labour Relations Commission through its conciliatory process assigns a mediator, known as an Industrial Relations Offices (I.R.O) who acts as an independent, impartial chairperson in discussions and negotiations between the negotiating teams that represent the employer and the employees. Their task is to assist them in their efforts to reach a mutual acceptable settlement to their dispute. For conciliation, a series of meetings are involved that usually take place on the same day. The process starts with industrial relations officer chairing a joint meeting of the parties representing the parties separately. The first meeting enables the IRO to hear the parties assessment of the dispute. Subsequent meetings explore the possibilities for a settlement. . International Law & Conventions International Law which is binding in all members of the United Nations which have been adopted in the members countries have become an important source of Irish Law. Conventions which also require U.N members' ratification have equally become a source of Law in Ireland. The Advisory Powers and Role: The Advisory service division with employers and trade unions in dispute situations to develop effective industrial relations, practices, procedures and structures that best meet their needs. The division is independent, impartial and experienced in industrial relations practice and theory. Discussions with the parties, the staff of the division will tailor assistance to individual union/

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Compare and Contrast the different quality philosophy, systems and approaches

Compare and Contrast the different quality philosophy, systems and approaches The various quality approaches and systems are the Deming philosophy, the Juran approach, the Crosby system, six sigma and other approaches. These are the various philosophies that are available to an operations manager in assessing the quality and suitability of systems in an organization that can be applied for increasing efficiency and gains .The various quality approaches are briefly explained as under: Deming Philosophy: Based in improving the products and services by reducing uncertainty and variability in the design and manufacturing processes. Variation is considered the only reason for poor quality. Variations in parts of pieces in manufacturing leads to wear and premature failure. Better quality leads to less rework, fewer delays and better use of factor inputs. It includes profound knowledge consisting of four stages -appreciation for a system, some knowledge of theory of variation, theory of knowledge and psychology. Based on these four aspects Deming had devised 14 points of quality management. (Chambers, Johnston, Slack, 2007) Juran philosophy: The Juran philosophy is based upon the companys current strategic planning and minimum risk in rejections. He states in his quality management program that different employees at different levels of the organization hold different factors as priority top management holds money as important and speaks in money terms, workers hold things as important and mid management holds both the things and money as important and can speak for in money as well as things terms. His method of quality management focuses on the interdependencies of functions of manufacturing, process control, testing and feedbacks and that the quality system needs to be continuous and never ending. The three aspects of quality called quality trilogy are important -quality planning, quality control and quality improvement. (Greasley, 2007) Crosby philosophy: Crosby philosophy on quality management is based upon the absolutes of quality management and basic elements of improvement .The absolutes of quality management are: quality is conformance to requirements not elegance, there is no such thing as a quality problem, no such thing as economics of quality, the only performance measure is cost of quality, the only performance standard is zero defects , and the basic elements of improvement include determination, education and implementation. Six Sigma: It is a quality improvement approach which is a statistical tool and stands for the six standard deviations from the mean .It provides the techniques and tools for improving capability and reducing defects in the industry. Benchmarking: It is a process of measurement of internal processes and then the identification, understanding and adaptation of outstanding practices from the best companies in the industry. ISO 9000:US based quality standards called the Q9000-1994 series were recognized by about 100 countries and also by Japan .These standards were to define quality system that guide a companys performance of specified requirements in areas of design, development, production, installation and service. Continuous improvement: implies that the organization and its efforts are directed in a incremental and breakthrough improvement which is continuous at the sametime. These activities should be a part of daily regular part of daily work, seek to eliminate problems at their source and be driven by opportunities to do better and rectify problems that are needed to be corrected. (Krajewski, Malhotra, Ritzman, 2006) Thus when the regular cycles of planning, execution and evaluation are being conducted a quantifiable measure of continuous improvement needs to be assessed. Kaizen system: It is a system for quality improvement from internal sources and within the firm rather than from outside sources. It means in Japanese change for better. It is also continuous and ongoing improvement. TQM: Total quality management is a description of the culture, attitude and organization of the company that requires quality in all aspects of the operations with things being done right the first time and defects eliminated or eradicated from operations completely. Comparison and Contrast: The various quality philosophies and approaches determine quality to be achieved by the organization in respect of various aspects of quality in an organization and not necessarily dependent on any one approach or philosophy. The philosophy of Deming is a 14 point programme for evaluating and implementing quality and philosophy of Juran emphasizes the importance of quality training for reduction in failure costs, higher productivity and emphasizes data collection and analysis. Whereas the Crosby philosophy implies the behavioral aspects in quality, more emphasis is on management processes for changing culture and attitudes than relying on statistical techniques. But it does not provide finer details on quality management and bases itself on management thinking instead. Thus Crosby approach is more easily fit into the company and does not have implementation problems faced in implementing Deming philosophy but it has issues of being not acceptable worldwide or being that popular. Many issues exist in being able to interpret what ISO 9000 exactly is and its definition whereas few others suggest that its usefulness is questionable considering the high implementation costs in many small and medium sized companies. Although it is being implemented in successful companies by majority and is hugely popular measure/approach. (Shim et al., 1999) In Kaizen approach the human processes are important, processes evolve by gradual changes; improvement is based on statistical and quantitative performance measurement, requires trust between managers and employees. In Six Sigma approach the process of measuring variation is important .It is a statistical tool, quite effective and hugely popular. Benchmarking as a quality approach is a one off exercise not necessarily continuous helps the organization strategically and is outward looking into the industry and market the company serves. Continuous improvement is a learning paradigm which involves learning enhancement by continuous changes in the organization. TQM is an integrated approach to quality, with total resource deployment and no exceptions to quality as a standard. Thus in contrast whereas one of the approaches is a statistical tool other approaches are basic principles on effective management and whereby they take advantage in being specific and distinct from the others at the sametime they lose more on grounds of effectiveness .But many of such approaches do implement successful quality improvements in organizations leading to becoming more popular. For example six sigma was applied in Motorola, benchmarking was started by Xerox etc. (Reid Sanders, 2004) Whereas the kaizen approach involves greater trust from managers and employees alike the stress from TQM is on integration and involvement .On the other hand the continuous improvement is a management paradigm for continuously implementing changes the benchmarking is a standalone exercise in quality assessment and improvement. Thus similar comparisons can be drawn from the quality approaches and philosophies and further analysis can be made. Analyze the differences and evaluate the impact of these differences on innovation, change and competitiveness. The differences of various quality approaches and philosophies indicate that the quality can be measurable from various standpoints and tools of statistics, from various aspects of processes in organization, from output and inputs and from productivity of factor inputs .There is a wide manner of employing quality in an organization and many concepts in management can be applicable here. The most important differences are in being either traditional method, in being a one off measure, an integrated approach, statistical tool, based on manager relations and trust, continuous change and a standard acceptable by the authorities. The impact of these differences on change, innovation and competitiveness can be gauged from various standpoints. The impacts for various change management techniques can be assessed and Realized on these aspects as enumerated below: (Schroeder, 2005) The impact on change of the differences among the quality approaches and philosophies: Change The change in an organization due to quality approaches is evident from the fact that without continuous change and improvement the quality programme would be rendered ineffective. The quality programmes are initiated and lead to changes in organization because of following reasons: I. The change in customer perceptions is ongoing and therefore when an organization accepts the product design and development the first year the changes in preference and buying behavior the next year might suggest that there would indeed be more than the demand for the specific product or service. Therefore the change in demand pattern requires that the company be involved in redesigning of the product afresh and this is costly and time consuming. Hence due to changes in customer perceptions the changes in product design from quality perspective becomes apparent .The various approaches and their differences impact the assurance and reliability of specific approaches for quality programme selection in that the benchmarking approach which is one off is reliable since it can be initiated in few days and can be carried out any time of the year. An integrated approach like TQM on the other hand can address most of changes in demand by being able to be integrated from before the percepti ons of consumer start changing. Kaizen can be applicable but trust and interpersonal relations effectiveness cannot be built in a year and therefore the quality programme and its impact on change in organizations effectiveness might lead to further issues .The statistical tool of Six Sigma is a healthier alternative by being cost effective and easy to implement although both six sigma and ISO 9000 have problems in being interpreted and understood properly. (Schroeder, 1993) II Competition is continuous in the environment or market place implying that for the organization to keep ahead it needs to change implement continuously .Although the market is dynamic the organization faces constraints in time and cost .The impact of various quality programmes is effective for few approaches only like the approach of TQM which is integrative of all the factors in management and organization ,also the approach of Crosby is effective since it is based on the quality standards and thinking style which needs to be effective for management thinking in an organization facing highly competitive market. The approach of Deming and Juran impact if applied only when the organization is ready to implement such programmes due to their traditional nature and the impact takes longer time to predict as both the philosophies have implementation problems. The approach of six sigma, continuous improvement is more applicable and worthwhile when the change becomes highly impacted in s hort period of time and in lesser costs than for other approaches. (Stevenson, 2001) III The change in organizations is also impacted specifically when it is acknowledged that the change in systems and processes however sensibly designed would become obsolete after a time period and the complicacy involved adds to further changes being impacted. The philosophy of Juran and Crosby if implemented have lesser impacts since by then a change managed mindset has evolved as also in TQM and continuous improvement approaches. Whereas for implementing the Deming programme in quality the implementation and successful change management might take few years but once set there could be huge successes .The processes and management thinking if are accepting six sigma and ISO9000 standards then the quality philosophy would impact greatly the change in the structure, processes, culture of the organization and bring simplified answers to complex measurement and qualitative aspects. Competitiveness The differences in philosophies also impact greatly the competitiveness of the organization in different ways .The various philosophies and their impact on the organization with regard to competitiveness is in the following ways: Cost reduction :The Deming, Juran and Crosby approaches imply greater reduction in costs and lead to higher cost efficiencies and scale of operations if applied for few years and having overcome the initial implementation issues. The continuous improvement, Six sigma and ISO9000 standards of quality also improve the effectiveness in costs if applied and interpreted correctly .The kaizen philosophy does not indicate costs reduction that easily since it takes time for trust and long term effectiveness to materialize .The benchmarking process indicates the slack areas pretty quickly and if applied continuously the results can be successful in bringing more competitiveness. Productivity :Out of the given approaches the Crosby and Juran approach lead to greater increase in productivity than the Deming philosophy in short term only whereas the continuous improvement philosophy implies that the competitiveness increases in much lesser time duration and lesser costs .Six sigma and ISO9000 would tend to be better in estimating the level of competitiveness and productivity for the organization .The benchmarking and Continuous improvement approach are also highly recommended for enhancing the productivity and competitiveness in the company. Kaizen philosophy has more than required impact on enhancing competitiveness and productivity as it involves each and every manager and as well as employee. Differentiation: The effect of these quality approaches on product design differentiation is more marked .The product can be classified as custom, option oriented and standard in designs. The design differentiation is applicable for Juran and Crosby philosophy which indicate better results when their impact on implementation for changing custom and option oriented product designs are better than the standard products. Also the Continuous improvement, Kaizen and benchmarking are highly effective in determining the best changes in design for the market is ever changing and the competitiveness based on differentiation strategy could be the marked presence for competing companies. The six sigma and ISO9000 can deliver better if they are combined with a strategic perspective rather being utilized in a standalone environment. Innovation The competitiveness and increase in number of industries competing for market share has increased in the past decade. This has been leading the companies fighting in the market place scenario for developing innovative products and inventions through rigorous research and development programs .The innovations and inventions enhance credibility in a fast changing environment .The philosophy of Juran and Crosby are highly effective whereas Deming philosophy takes time to implement .The six sigma and ISO 9000 have been highly appreciated as being successful programs in delivering innovations and building needs for greater enhancement in quality from new products and services. Whereas the Kaizen philosophy has impacted innovations to a great extent yet the problem of long term applicability from human relations perspective has lessened its applicability. The continuous improvement and benchmarking have found to be effective in developing the new products directly rather than approaching i ssue from other standpoints. (Stevenson, 2008) Recommend actions that organizations might take to improve its existing quality approach with respect to their impact on innovation, change and competitiveness, and identify any areas that need further analysis. The various approaches and quality programmes have been able to deliver their impact on change, competitiveness and innovation .The Company and organizations ability to enhance the quality is stemming from the various issues and situations that the company would necessarily be facing in the real time. Thus for the company and organization to evaluate the different approaches impact and selecting the right combination of strategies would be important. The varied approaches and scenarios would then be based upon following factors: culture, life cycle study of organization, size of organization, money budget, Time period for implementation. Quality programme will be implemented that best suites the organization and its level of management culture and involvement. Thus the Kaizen philosophy which is highly cost effective and has a thinking style would be appreciated if it is applied in an organization which is small to medium size, with sensible budget, has time for evaluating quality responses internally, has an independent and welcoming culture .The programme for Deming philosophy would be best applicable in a large organization with higher budget, greater requirement for innovations and change management and greater time for application .If the culture is appreciable then the quality programme would also be greatly and easily applicable. The benchmarking can be effective along with continuous improvement in the organizations where budgets are limited, highly competitive environment and change is crucial for survival. The Juran and Crosby philosophies are applicable for those companies and organizations where the need for implementing change as cultural factor is important, which have bigger budgets with medium time and conflicts in culture are more marked. The approach of ISO9000 and six sigma are also applicable to firms which have innovation and change management in highly competitive environment, whose budgets are smaller and need for growth is large .The application of TQM is only applicable when it is started early on in an organization since the total quality approach requires greater integration and applicability of the respective quality approach in an organization which is facing budget costs, need for innovation continuously and requires change management as well. It could be a large or small company with limited or unlimited budget. The areas needing further analysis and work in quality improvement in organizations are huge and great in number. One can enumerate few aspects which need to be cleared in the meantime like benchmarking with respect to innovation and cost reduction ,reengineering processes ,measurement of quality from better scales, quality team building and management, quality circles in different organizations, evaluations of quality programmes with respect to availability of data on sales and revenues from including change management and other strategies. This area of research where the availability of multitude of factors impinge upon the given quality level therefore is a growing area of management and developing work in this area would lead to further benefits. (Waters, 1999) Conclusion Due to the nature of quality management as being a latest phenomenon of the 20th century it is a highly unorthodox concept which needs to be evaluated in the light of current changes and improvements in market behavior of suppliers and buyers both at the same time as also the increase in competitiveness and innovativeness in organizations along with increases in change management styles .therefore the study has been important in highlighting the need for quality approach for a particular company from the required abilities and situations .The realization of benefits of the quality programme have been therefore been found as applicable to the organizations operations management which have been able to implement such programmes with success. Success in implementation further depends upon the quality of selection of programme with respect to situation and scenario analysis.Expert advice and comments with the organizations is not available in easy way and has high costs and fees. Thus it is expected that the firm or organization which would be intending to have quality programme for effectiveness in operations would ascertain the applicability of the programme and then buy the programme from a suitable expert or develop one internally. The learning from the quality approaches and philosophies has been greater in recognizing the worth of quality in managing organizations and that is started early onwards quality improvement and correct estimation could lead to better results in long term and strategically positioning the company. The ability of the company in being able to ascertain competitiveness, change management and innovations is highly likely to grow with the years to come as research gathers pace in this area. At the moment the respective situation analysis and proper utilization of correct quality programme is the only actionable criteria. From the above quality study I have gathered that as a manager for a given organization the quality improvement guidelines that I have come across are highly important in making me discover the respective ability and impact on the organization and management. The level of quality improvements and future work that would be applicable would be the concern areas which I would be intending to study as part of my efforts in gaining further knowledge and learning in other disciplines. Although the study has been highly informative and guided through the process I would be of opinion that a larger study on quality management and its imperatives for operations management is further possible.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Baltimore Believe Campaign :: essays papers

Baltimore Believe Campaign The Baltimore Believe Campaign was started in April of 2002. It is a city wide campaign aimed to reduce the amount of drug use in the city. The idea of the â€Å"Believe† campaign has never been tried before. The campaign calls for Baltimore to believe, believe that drugs can be eliminated off of the streets, and drug dealers to be punished. Since the start of the campaign the idea has expanded around the country. Mayor Martin O’Malley has spread his idea around. The Believe Campaign surfaced in April of 2002. By April 14, 2002 the â€Å"Declaration of Independence from Drugs† was released in The Sun Newspaper (Wilber, The Sun). The Baltimore Police Foundation funds the campaign. All around the city there are billboards, trashcans, and bumper stickers with the word â€Å"BELIEVE† on them. The first hearing of the campaign was on April 6th, 2002. In October of 2003 Mayor O’Malley when on a trip to London, he was there to discuss the Baltimore Believe Campaign. London was interested in starting a campaign based on the believe campaign. The campaign is an ongoing part of the Baltimore City Community’s everyday actions. Mayor Martin O’Malley put the idea into motion. As said in a letter from Thomas D. Vicino, from the New York Times, â€Å"Mayor Martin O'Malley's efforts should be applauded. He has conquered the first obstacle in fighting urban decay: recognition of a problem. Keep on believing, Baltimore, because if we don't, how can anything change?† (Vicino, New York Times). There is really no other way to summarize all of the things Mayor O’Malley has done for the campaign. Another important role is the Baltimore Believe Leadership. This group works with the help number, 1-866-BELIEVE, and the campaign by setting up fundraisers and other events. Mayor O’Malley and the Baltimore Believe Leadership hold press conferences to inform the people about what goes on with the Believe Campaign’s progress and areas of concern regularly so the community stays informed on the progress. The community is another big role in the campaign. The communities of Baltimore Ci ty have taken the campaign in and â€Å"believe† it will have a positive affect on their communities. On April 6th, 2002 Mayor O’Malley announced his campaign to clean the streets of Baltimore. The Mayor had acknowledged a huge problem in the city, the drugs on the street were becoming out of control.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How to Set Up a Marketing Plan

Somaliland Youth Development Association (SYDA) Tactical Marketing Plan Presented By: Issaq Gass Plan Overview Practice: Somaliland Policy & Reconstruction Institute (SOPRI) Name of Campaign: Somaliland Youth Development Association (SYDA) Campaign Manager: Issaq Gass Objective The objective is to open a youth complex facility which targets youth development in a country in the Horn of Africa following the market strategies specified in this plan. Target Market Product demographicsAll local schools and universities in the capital city of Hargeisa, local newspapers in the capital city, Somaliland TV, Horn Cable TV, Universal TV (The three major local TV networks in Somaliland), Flyers around every major business in the city, Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube. Target contact demographics 1) Meet with the three major Somaliland TV networks to promote the new complex and benefits for youth joining as members. 2) Flyers all around the capital city of Hargeisa at schools, universities, Major Businesses, and transportation centers. ) Advertise on major Somaliland news websites as an ad. 4) Advertise in the local major newspapers, try to get front page appearance. 5) Create Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube accounts to update news and information about the complex, take advantage of all social network feedback tools to see feedback. For examples likes, comments, tweets, and shares. 6) Discuss the new facility on the Somaliland National Radio. 7) Try to get in touch with the information ministry of the country to get an emailing list of all the youth enrolled in their system. Message SummaryThe Somaliland Policy and Reconstruction Institute (SOPRI) is an independent professional organization founded in Los Angeles, California in 1992 by a group of concerned Somali-Americans and Somalilanders who were deeply committed to help Somaliland. We will sponsor this Somaliland Youth Development Association to spearhead the high unemployment amongst the youth in the country and develop the youth everyday with community to make sure that the youth, regardless of background, has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive in the country. Call to action Desired outcome?Sell – 50,000 memberships before opening day. Make the facility the new gathering spot for youth to not only offer enrichment programs for the youth but to help them avoid crime, drugs, and violence as well. What is the pull-through offer? Offer 500 free memberships through filling out a lottery online which we would email out to all the youth on the server as well post on all of our social media websites. Process Development list 1) Complete facility by Summer 2013 2) Create Facebook, Twitter, YouTube accounts. 3) Complete communication and deals between target contact demographics. ) Try to get a lot of government influence through our contact list. 5) Reach out to tribal sultans to help them promote amongst the specific tribes in the city. 6) Try to set up an assembly at local schools and univ ersities discussing ways they can create jobs by meeting at the facility to tackle the high unemployment amongst the youth. 7) Set up all interviews in the next few months. 8) Start lottery process for free memberships a month prior to opening. Pre – event follow up Consistently following up with the development list and target contact demographics list to make sure we are on the right path.Making sure we are gaining a lot of support throughout the capital city primarily the youth and parents of the youth. Also, daily check for feedback we might need to respond to via our social media websites. Post – event follow up Seeing if everything is going in the right direction and to see if everything was done and completed as planned. If we have time before opening possibly add more target demographics or make more appearances to broaden targets. SWOT Analysis Strengths: * SOPRI is a well-known and well established organization in Somaliland. We have the trust and support thr oughout the nation. SOPRI’S executive committee members and general members will strive to reach out to all target contacts that we already have a close relationship with for the most part. * Organization members will be working free of charge to help the make this facility a success. * The wide array of experience the members have will help make the process smooth. * SOPRI already has the capital to invest into the project from previous donations and fundraisers. * The Facility will enrich the youth. Weaknesses: * This will be the first time we sponsor a project that requires building a facility. Balancing time to contact the workers and organization members on the ground since time difference is 8 hours. * Lack of experience in this field. Opportunities: * If successful, it will become the first official youth complex in the country. * It will help build the esteem of the organization by tackling high employment rates, creating jobs, and enriching the youth. * It will be a location where the youth of country could meet and hold events. * It will build loyalty for us in the future for other business ventures to the same caliber.Threats: * Local indoor soccer stadiums. * Local gyms. * Local event halls. Project Plan: EVENT| CO-ORDINATOR| ESTIMATED WORK HOURS| Contact local newspapers| SOPRI members on ground| 5| Contact local TV networks| SOPRI members on ground| 1 week| Contact local schools and universities| SOPRI members on ground| 1 week| Create and manage social media| SOPRI Executive Committee| Continuously| Flyer creation and distribution| SOPRI members on ground| 2 months| Contact Somaliland news websites for advertisements| SOPRI Executive Committee| 5 ays| Manage entire marketing campaign| Issaq| Continuously| Distribution: The goal is to have our memberships ready and easily available to students both in K-12 and universities. Memberships will be sold all over the city at every major business office as well as every school district and univer sity. We will also have a website where students could buy it online. The memberships will be available all over Somalilands capital city Hargeisa. Which would make accessibility and exposure a lot easier.There will be 5 mediums of marketing for this facility(press, social media, flyers, emails and television) guaranteeing great exposure and accessibility so that we could capture and gain as many members as possible. Marketing Function and costs Medium| Base Cost| Duration| Total| Somaliland News websites| 0| Continuous| 0| Somaliland Newspapers| 0| Continuous| 0 | Facebook| 0| 0| 0| Twitter| 0| 0| 0| Somaliland TV networks| 0| 0| 0| *Since it’s for a good cause for the nations development a lot of our target contacts agreed for it to be free of charge until the project is completed.Metrics and Expectations: * To gain as many members as possible to help reduce unemployment rates, drug use, and crime in the city. * To enrich the youth through sports, events, tutoring, and gath erings. * To help the youth come together to build business plans of needs throughout the nation so we could then try to sell their ideas to the major corporations and business owners for funding. * Using SOPRI’s existing relationships to make this project a success. * Secure all outlets on our target contact demographics list to successfully reach our market plan strategies.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Media Thinness and Teenagers

The following paper will present a counterargument to the idea that body image is shaped by attitudes in the media.   Part of this counterargument will rely on the fact that thinness is cultural problem and not a media problem as will be examined using the peer reviewed article Ingrassia & Springen wrote The body of the beholder,   which examines attitudes of race in regards to body thinness and how Caucasian women are more strict on their bodies while African American women, due to culture, perceive their normal bodies to be normal.The other argument being presented in this paper will be on how models do not warp young girls’ minds to the ideas of thinness but rather it is an individual perspective that allows women to feel as though they are not thin enough.   Thus the paper’s main idea will be that media does not present a too thin body but rather it is in the perception of the culture that does this.Part A Body image in the media is used to represent a product and to sell that product, like coca-cola or something else.   The media giants choose thin models not as them saying to how women should look but rather as a way to how they want their product to appear to the audience; thus, the scope of this problem comes from teenagers, girls, who buy into the marketing media of supermodel thinness, and then become anorexic to fit this ideal.The idea of thinness is misconstrued on the idea that women’s bodies are too thin and thus those too thin bodies present to the advertising world what their body should look like, but this is not true.   Thinness is in the eye of the beholder, â€Å"When individuals evaluate their appearance, they can either concur or disagree with other evaluators.   If dissensus occurs its direction can be either self enhancing or self-denigrating† (Levinson 1986; 330).Women and men are sensible enough to know what is too thin to be realistic; often times media transform their model’s bodies and digitally improve or reduce the model’s body thus presenting a false image.   This is not done in order to tell young girls that their bodies should be thin but in keeping in mind with the best possible way to present the product of the advertisement, therefore the problem is affecting a mass amount of people, especially in the western society since marketing is targeting these countries.   The fact that such images are digitally ‘improved’ in one way or another is no secret and therefore the good reason that such images produce too thin body ideals does not hold against the argument that they indeed do,I mean we can alter that body shape definitely†¦I mean the computer can pretty much do anything.   You can alter it†¦they don’t tend to †¦but its kind of up to the model editor†¦You make ‘em†¦sort of squish them together to make them look thinner (Milkie 2002; 851).Another argument against the too thin body image present ed in the media is that this is more of a cultural attitude.   In The body of the beholder the authors stress that more often than not Caucasian women have poor images of themselves while African American women do not; this is due to culture and not to media; in other words, the body image is in the eyes of the beholder and not in the eyes of the media, â€Å"Quite commonly researchers restrict samples to white subjects or ignore race as an independent variable in their designs.   However, existing anecdotal and case studies report that blacks assign positive qualities of well-being and power to heavy-women† (Levinson et al. 1986; 331).Part B Culture teaches that thinness is the ultimate ideal; but whose culture?   The argument of this paper now becomes mingled with the fact that American culture is imitating African American culture in dress, song, and literature.   Rap, Hip-Hop and Gansta Rap are all becoming the values by which the culture focuses its appearance ri ght down to cars, jewelry, clothing, and body image.   It is now considered normal to have grills on one’s teeth, to wear ‘bling’ and to copy in whatever capacity possible the African American culture and nowhere is this seen more often than in suburban neighborhoods as rap sales are more than half sold to young white audiences.With this new found cultural thing alive in the American culture the other argument evolves into one that also mirrors the body image of African American women which is voluptuousThe minority respondents, in sharp contrast, did not emulate these images nor compare themselves as negatively with the models.   Even though most of the black girls occasionally read the mainstream publications, they considered the images less relevant, belonging to ‘white girls’ culture and not part of a reference group toward which they oriented themselves†¦The black girls indicated that they did not relate to the images and did not wish t o emulate the rigid white beauty ideal (Milkie 1999; 200).African American women present to culture their body image as counter to waiflike, with curves and in fact African American women are more content with their body image than white women and this goes against the media portraying real, curvy women.   Adolescence will impersonate whatever they see as ‘cool’ or popular and right now there are two conflicting things that arise; the ideal of the waiflike woman, and the ideal of the more voluptuous woman as seen in African American culture.An adolescent will turn to whatever is deemed as cool in their social clique.   This leads to the fact that since American culture has included into its ‘cool’ factor the images of African American women that soon the idea of thinness will be counter culture and African American women’s standards will be the normal standard, â€Å"†¦there’s growing evidence that black and white girls view their bo dies in dramatically different ways.The latest finding come in a study to be published in the journal Human Organization this spring by a team of black and white researchers at the University of Arizona.   While 90 percent of the white junior-high and high school girls studied voiced dissatisfaction with their weight, 70 percent of African-American teens were satisfied with their bodies† (Ingrassia & Springen 1995; 66).This study goes on to state that even when overweight black teenagers were interviewed they still viewed themselves and described themselves as happy.   This source of size in fact is somewhat of a source of pride, the study further emphasized other different facets by which white and black girls viewed themselves, â€Å"Asked to describe women as they age, two thirds of the black teens said they get more beautiful, and many cited their mothers as examples.   White girls responded that their mothers may have been beautiful—back in their youth.   Says anthropologist Mimi Nichter, one of ht study’s coauthors, ‘In white culture, the window of beauty is so small’ (Ingrassia & Springen 1995; 66).Part C Thus, the problems of thinness arrive from the culturally dishonest.   Black and white girls are exposed to the same media but their sense of self identity as seen in that media is quite different as the above statements have proven.   Thus, the ideals of beauty are the main contributors of what is considered to be normal.   White girls see 5 foot 7 inches and between 100 to 110 pounds to be normal while African American girls describe their ideal size as exhibiting full hips, thick thighs, and basically in the words of Sir Mix-A lot ‘baby got back’ (Ingrassia & Springen 1995; 66).   These African American teens also described ideal beauty has having the right attitude.†¦African American mothers must teach their daughters how to negotiate between two often confliction cultures: Black a nd white and must prepare daughters to cope with the racial and sexual dangers in the realities of the world that Black women must confront†¦Black mothers also play an important role in mitigating the dominant culture’s devaluing messages by providing more positive messages and alternatives to the white middle class ideal to their daughters to offset the negative reflections they see of themselves in the eye of the dominant culture (Lovejoy 2001: 253).This study only further exemplifies the argument in this paper that it is not the media that perpetuates the cult of thinness but rather this false ideal is found in the fact that perception is the ingredient in thinness.   Culture is the curse from which thinness arises,Underlying the beauty gap are 200 years of cultural differences. â€Å"In white, middleclass America, part of the great American Dream of making it is to be able to make yourself over,† says Nichter. â€Å"In the black community, there is the real ity that you might not move up the ladder as easily. As one girl put it, you have to be realistic-if you think negatively about yourself, you won't get anywhere.† It's no accident that Barbie has long embodied a white adolescent ideal-in the early days, she came with her own scale (set at 110) and her own diet guide (â€Å"How to Lose Weight: Don't Eat†).Even in this post-feminist era, Barbie's tight-is-right message is stronger than ever. Before kindergarten, researchers say, white girls know that Daddy eats and Mommy diets. By high school, many have split the world into physical haves and have-nots, rivals across the beauty line. â€Å"It's not that you hate them [perfect girls],† says Sarah Immel, a junior at Evanston Township High School north of Chicago. â€Å"It's that you're kind of jealous that they have it so easy, that they're so perfect-looking.† (Ingrassia & Springen 1995; 66).Thus, the black ideal can be argued to be less limiting, and less fo cused on something that is unrealistic.   Since white culture stresses the make-over then black culture stresses self respect and being happy with ‘you’.   In Ingrassia & Springen’s article they quote Tyra Banks, a supermodel who had said that in high school she was the envy of her white friends when she would repeatedly say that she wanted thighs like her black girlfriends; the split of culture is clearly found in this fact.The media centers on selling a product through presentation of an ideal body.   However, the media world is being taken over by Black culture from BET to Fox.   The ideals are changing with regards to body image.   The strongest signal that is competing for body image is peer pressure.   Since groups of teens are influential with their friends the black community is able to reiterate their ideals of body image to their friends and since they do not emulate the waiflike figures of supermodels so common in culturally white media (wh ich is diminishing) they are more able to disregard the unrealistic image presented to them in advertisements.White girls however are suffering from their own culture and the reiteration of this culture not only through media at times but through the concept that has been taught to them that their mothers are always on a diet.   White culture has taught these girls more than the media has that their daddies eat and their mothers are on diets (Ingrassia & Springen 1995; 66).Ingrassia & Springen further emphasize that white culture teaches that it is okay and even normal to have an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia, but in black culture these are even more of a phenomenon as black girls do not succumb to this masochism since their culture does not present it as a strong factor to be considered normal, â€Å"Black teens don't usually go to such extremes. Anorexia and bulimia are relatively minor problems among African-American girls.And though 51 percent of the black teens in the study said they'd dieted in the last year, follow-up interviews showed that far fewer were on sustained weight-and-exercise programs. Indeed, 64 percent of the black girls thought it was better to be â€Å"a little† overweight than underweight. And while they agreed that â€Å"very overweight† girls should diet, they defined that as someone who â€Å"takes up two seats on the bus.†Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚   (Ingrassia & Springen 1995; 66).Ingrassia & Springen state in their study that 90% of white girls have some dissatisfaction with their bodies and that 62% of them are on a diet within the past year.   The study further states that 70% of black girls are happy with their body image and 64% say that it is better to be a little overweight than a little underweight (Ingrassia & Springen 1995; 66).This paper has stated that the media’s norms are changing with the introduction and focus on black culture that presents different body images.   The paper further s tated that media was not the only device by which white girls receive their dissatisfied approach to their own bodies but with their mother’s influence of dieting thinness became an ideal.   It is with the changing cultural norms of switching focus from white culture to black culture that new media images will begin to filter into society as is exemplified through programs on television such as Queen Latifah whose body image though overweight by white culture standards is considered to be beautiful with black cultures.   Thus, the focus of a more voluptuous body, with curves, and a larger ‘booty’ is becoming the American standard.BibliographyDittmar, Helga & Sarah Howard.   (December 2004).   Professional hazards? 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