Tuesday, November 26, 2019

buy custom Attention and Concentration in Sports and Exercise

buy custom Attention and Concentration in Sports and Exercise Importance of Attention and Concentration for Athlete Abstract The ability to pay attention and concentrate is one of the most important areas in the psychology of sports. Athletes and sportsmen are likely to be disrupted by booze and buzz that comes with the sports celebrity status. Thus there is a need to ensure that an athlete continues to concentrate and pay attention to the game instead of focusing on distractions. Even in circumstances where the athletes are sure they would lose the game, they must continue to fight until the end of the game. Without concentrating and paying attention to the main objective, athletes are likely to focus on irrelevant cues while ignoring the important ones. Sport psychologists have come up with ways to help athletes and sportsmen to focus their attention and concentration on critical parts of the game, thus avoiding distractions. But sometimes they need training so that they can improve their performance in sports. This paper is a research paper that explores the issues that are related to concentration and attention in sports and exercise. Key words: concentration, attention, sports, athletes, psychology

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How Your Actions May Be Unintentionally Racist

How Your Actions May Be Unintentionally Racist In the aftermath of the presidential election of 2016, many people have experienced relationship blowouts with friends, family, romantic partners, and colleagues over accusations of racism. Many of those who voted for Donald Trump have found themselves accused of being racist, as well as sexist, misogynist, homophobic, and xenophobic. Those making the accusations feel this way because they associate these forms of discrimination with the candidate himself, on account of statements he made and behaviors he displayed throughout the campaign, and the likely outcomes of policies and practices that he supports. But many of those accused find themselves confused and angry at the accusation, and feel that exercising their right to vote for the political candidate of their choice does not make them a racist, nor any other form of oppressor. So, who is in the right? Does voting for a certain political candidate make someone a racist? Can our actions be racist even though we dont mean them to be? Lets consider these questions from a sociological standpoint  and draw on social science theory and research to answer them. Dealing With the R Word When people are accused of being a racist in todays United States they often experience this accusation as an attack on their character. Growing up, we are taught that being racist is bad. It is considered among the worst crimes ever committed on U.S. soil, in the forms of genocide of Native Americans, enslavement of Africans and their descendants, violence and segregation during the Jim Crow era, Japanese internment, and the fierce and violent resistance shown by many to integration and the 1960s movement for Civil Rights, to name just a handful of notable cases. The way that we learn this history suggests that formal, institutional racism- that enforced by law- is a thing of the past. It follows, then, that the attitudes and behaviors among the wider population that worked to enforce racism through informal means is also (mostly) a thing of the past too. We are taught that racists were bad people who lived in our history, and because of that, the problem is largely behind us. So, its understandable that when a person is accused of racism today, it seems a ghastly thing to say, and a nearly unspeakable thing to say directly to a person. This is why, since the election, as this accusation has been hurled between family members, friends, and loved ones, relationships have blown up over social media, text, and in person. In a society that prides itself in being diverse, inclusive, tolerant, and color blind, calling someone a racist is one of the worst insults that can be made. But lost in these accusations and blowups is what racism actually means in todays world, and the diversity of forms that racist actions take. What Racism Is Today Sociologists believe that racism exists when ideas and assumptions about racial categories are used to justify and reproduce a racial hierarchy that unjustly limits access to power, resources, rights, and privileges to some on the basis of race, while at the same time giving unjust amounts of those things to others. Racism also occurs when this kind of unjust social structure is produced by the failure to account for race and the force it exerts in all aspects of society, both historically and today. By this definition of racism, a belief, worldview, or an action is racist when it supports the continuance of this kind of racially imbalanced system of power and privilege. So if you want to know whether an action is racist, then the question to ask about it is: Does it help to reproduce a racial hierarchy that gives some more power, privileges, rights, and resources than others, on the basis of race? Framing the question this way means that a variety of different kinds of thoughts and actions can be defined as racist. These are hardly limited to overt forms of racism that are highlighted in our historical narrative on the problem, like physical violence, using racial slurs, and plainly discriminating against people on the basis of race. By this definition, racism today often takes much more subtle, nuanced, and even hidden forms. To test this theoretical understanding of racism, lets examine some cases in which behavior or actions might have racist consequences, even though a person doesnt identify as a racist or intend for their actions to be racist. Dressing As an Indian for Halloween People who grew up in the 1970s or 80s are very likely to have seen kids dressed as Indians (Native Americans) for Halloween, or have gone as one at some point during their childhood. The costume, which draws on stereotypical portrayals of Native American culture and dress, including feathered headdresses, leather, and fringe clothing, remains fairly popular today and is widely available for men, women, children, and babies from a wide range of costume suppliers. No longer limited to Halloween, elements of the costume have become popular and common elements of outfits worn by attendees of music festivals across the U.S. While its unlikely that anyone who wears such a costume, or dresses their child in one, intends to be racist, dressing as an Indian for Halloween  is not as innocent as it may seem. Thats because the costume itself acts as a racial stereotype- it reduces an entire race of people, one composed of a diverse array of culturally distinct groups, to a small collection of physical elements. Racial stereotypes are dangerous because they play a crucial role in the social process of marginalizing groups of people on the basis of race, and in most cases, stripping those people of their humanity and reducing them to objects. The stereotypical image of the Indian in particular tends to fix Native Americans in the past, suggesting that they are not an important part of the present. This works to divert attention away from systems of economic and racial inequality that continue to exploit and oppress Native Americans today. For these reasons, dressing as an Indian for Halloween, or wearing any k ind of costume that is composed of racial stereotypes, is in fact an act of racism. All Lives Matter The contemporary social movement Black Lives Matter was born in 2013 following the acquittal of the man who killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. The movement grew and came to national prominence in 2014 following the police killings of Michael Brown and Freddie Gray. The name of the movement and the widely used hashtag that catalyzed it assert the importance of Black lives because the widespread violence against Black people in the U.S. and the oppression they suffer in a society that is systemically racist suggests that their lives do  not  matter. The history of enslavement of Black people and  racism against them is premised on the belief, whether conscious or not, that their lives are expendable and inconsequential. So, members of the movement and its supporters believe that it is necessary to assert that Black lives do in fact matter, as they draw attention to racism and ways to effectively fight it. Following media attention to the movement, some began to respond to it be stating or writing on social media that all lives matter. Of course, no one can argue with this claim. It is inherently true and rings to many with an air of egalitarianism. To many it is both an obvious and harmless statement. However, when we consider it as a response to the assertion that Black lives matter, we can see that it serves to divert attention from an anti-racist social movement. And, in the context of the racial history and contemporary racism of U.S. society, it works as a rhetorical device that ignores and silences Black voices, and draws attention away from the very real problems of racism that Black Lives Matter seeks to highlight and address. Whether one means to or not, doing so works to preserve the racial hierarchy of white privilege and supremacy. So, in the context of a dire need to listen to Black people when they talk about racism and what we need to do to help end it, stating that all lives matter is a racist act. Voting for Donald Trump Voting in elections is the lifeblood of American democracy. It is both a right and a duty of every citizen, and it has long been considered taboo to denigrate or chastise those whose political views and choices differ from ones own. This is because a democracy composed of multiple parties can only function when respect and cooperation are present. But during 2016, the public comments and political positions of Donald Trump have prompted many to buck the norm of civility. Many have characterized Trump and his supporters as racist, and many relationships have been destroyed in the process. So is it racist to support Trump? To answer that question one has to understand what he represents within the racial context of the U.S. Unfortunately, Donald Trump has a long history of behaving in racist ways. Throughout the campaign and prior to it, Trump made statements that denigrated racial groups and are rooted in dangerous racial stereotypes. His history in business is blighted by examples of discrimination against people of color. Throughout the campaign Trump routinely condoned violence against people of color, and condoned through his silence the white supremacist attitudes and racist actions of people among his supporters. Politically speaking, the policies he supports, like, for example, closing and defunding family planning clinics, those related to immigration and citizenship, overturning the Affordable Healthcare Act, and his proposed income tax brackets which penalize the poor and working classes will specifically harm people of color, at greater rates than they will harm white people, if they are passed into law. In doing so, these policies will help preserve the racial hierarchy of the U.S., white p rivilege, and white supremacy. Those who voted for Trump endorsed these policies, his attitudes, and behaviorall of which fit the sociological definition of racism. So, even if a person doesnt agree that thinking and acting this way is right, even if they themselves dont think and act this way, voting for Donald Trump was an act of racism. This reality is likely a hard pill to swallow for those of you who supported the Republican candidate. The good news is, its never too late to change. If you oppose racism and want to help fight it, there are practical things you can do in your everyday life as individuals, as members of communities, and as citizens of the U.S. to help end racism.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Historical Information for Midrange computers Thesis

Historical Information for Midrange computers - Thesis Example However, by 1998, IBM again emerged as the major producer of the midrange systems. By the year 2002, client-server platforms and midrange computers almost mingled together technology-wise and expanded the sphere of enterprise spanning storage management. In the contemporary business environment, midrange systems are being used for electronic data interchange, B2B communication, and customer relationship management. These systems are becoming increasingly popular. (Datalink, 2007; Rojas, 2001) Client-Server Architecture Midrange computers have been increasingly incorporated in the client-server architecture, which involves synchronized programs in an IT application. The server provides a service to one or more clients that send requests for it. Midrange computers are thus enabled with database access, web access, email exchange, etc., which are based on this architecture. (Berson, 1996) Shared Resources In client-server model, the clients share the resources like database, hardware, a pplications, etc. through a server. Network computing is an apt example of utilizing shared resources. (Berson, 1996) Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages include distribution of responsibilities and roles in a computer system through numerous independent computers, which facilitates decentralization, redundancy, etc. Replacement, repairing, upgrading, and relocating the components of such systems are easier. Disadvantages include server overload and risk of network intrusion. If the server is down, the whole system is down. Peer-to-Peer Structure This system uses distributive application architecture. The member computers of such a system (or network) are equally powerful. (Subramanian and Goodman, 2005) Shared Systems Shared systems in peer-to-peer structure facilitate file and application sharing without the requirement of a central coordination. Peers are consumers as well as suppliers of the resources. (Subramanian and Goodman, 2005) Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages i nclude higher computing power, storage space and bandwidth. Distributive architecture makes the system robust. However, this system lacks effective mechanisms for file security. If a malicious code enters the system through a network node, the entire network may shatter down. Security/Risk with regards to Midrange Technology Privacy: Since midrange technology is primarily client-server model based, privacy can be ensured by implementing appropriate security policies through the central server. (Newman, 2010; Berson, 1996) Disclosure of Data: Information in storage or during transmission through network resources may be disclosed by hacking, spyware, etc. Encryption can be used to solve this problem. (Newman, 2010) Data Access: Technologies like SQL, XML, Web Services, etc. can be used in the midrange computers to facilitate data access secure. (Newman, 2010) Secure Data Deletion: This is a general issue in the context of computers. Hard disc shredding and multiple overwrites are sug gestible in this regard. (University of Pennsylvania, 2011) Key Management: Midrange computer system can provide secured encryption method through a central server along with effective public and private key management. (Ryabko and Fianov, 2005) Audit Rights: Audit rights can be implemented to midrange computing, which will enhance security through account management, system events tracking, recording logons and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Leadership in Public Health Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

Leadership in Public Health - Assignment Example There is, therefore, need for the Public Health System to develop own leadership theory that addresses the theoretical gaps in current leadership literature. The proposed Personal Public Health Leadership Theory is considered sufficient for public health organizations to attain the desired outcome. An evaluation plan is, however; necessary to determine the effectiveness of the theory, and the quasi-experimental method is considered the most appropriate method. Overall, deficiency in leadership is still evident in the sector of Public Health today; hence more effort is needed to address this major issue. Leadership is an important aspect of Public Health. This has gained more significance in the past years, as various studies on leadership confirm the importance of leadership aspect. The sector of Public Health lacks sufficient literature on leadership. The limited research activities in this area in the field of Public Health can be considered the major cause of this leadership literature deficiency. On the other hand, evidence shows that there is a relationship between leadership and quality of services in an organization (Farrell, 2001). For this reason, it is evident that the quality of the health care system depends on the kind of leadership practice. However, due to insufficient literature to guide leadership in the Public Sector, it means that the quality of services therein is more likely to be compromised. Therefore, this necessitates the adoption of more research on leadership in Public Health.  In this paper, there is a literature review on the aspect of leadership. Ther e are many theoretical gaps in the leadership literature that have been identified, and this is a proof of the unreliability of such literature for application in the Public Health sector. In order to, therefore, adopt an effective leadership theory for the Public Health sector, there is need to address the theoretical gaps in the current literature.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Autobiography - original writing Essay Example for Free

Autobiography original writing Essay I had five months to sort out my work experience placement and thought that I had more than enough time in which to do so. Before long, however, I was called to Mr Williamss office, the man in charge of finalising the work experience. I had just found out that I had overnight to get a placement somewhere, otherwise Ill be stuck in school with year 9 for the week. My ideal placement would be something to do with sports because thats my favourite subject in school but I knew I couldnt find somewhere and get a reply all in one night. The only placement I knew I could go without having to wait for a reply was with my mother! My mother works at Cardiff University in the Biochemistry Unit. Im still not sure exactly what she does, but I think its something along the lines of teaching and researching into cells. Before I knew it work experience had almost arrived. It was very tense around the house; I suppose I was excited because I didnt have a clue what I was going to be doing and also a little scared for the same reason. The first morning was pretty easy because I had no dress code, and as my mother is her own boss, I had no strict hours either. Also I didnt have to be polite around my mother, so I could just be my self. I was sort of expecting it to be boring working with my mother but nothing could prepare me for what I did on my first day. My first chore of the day was to fill, empty, sterilise and prepare bottles for other people. This wasnt very challenging, so I got bored quickly. In the afternoon my mum noticed I was bored, so let me do the jobs she hates. Firstly, she made me sort out the bookshelves in her office. This included sorting out a 6ft long shelf full of catalogues, into alphabetical order and to date. The earliest being from 1992. After finishing that, she put my keyboard skills to good use by making me type out the register on the computer for four of her classes. At the end of my first day I was disappointed for not having had a fun day. I also felt worried in case my whole week would be this boring. The second day was a little bit more challenging. In the morning I had to draw pictures on a computer for my mothers poster. This was irritating because nothing was perfect enough for her. She kept on making me change the smallest details, and I realised that day that she was the fussiest person I knew, but the finished product managed to satisfy her. In the afternoon I worked with my mothers friend, Mike Turner, who works in the Electro Microscopy Unit in the university. This is where they take pictures with really big powerful microscopes. At first I was quite shy because Ive never met him before. I suppose I was expecting him to be a shy brainy man that wouldnt really talk to me. On the contrary, he would not stop talking and make jokes. I felt like I could talk to him easy and that made me feel comfortable beeing there. He sat me down by one of the microscopes and made me look at bugs and flowers through it. This was different and I enjoyed it more than my mothers office, although it got boring after a while sitting in front of a screen just looking at bugs. On the third day, I met another of my mothers friends, Guy Pitt. He is a photographer and developer in the university. I wasnt that nervous because my older sister did the same for her work experience and told me he was the best man to work with, and he was by far the best person who looked after me that week because he thought about what I might like to do. He gave me an expensive camera and sent me around town to take photos of anything. I took pictures of Cardiff Castle and animals like birds and squirrels. In the afternoon I met Mike Turner again and took pictures of cells with his microscope camera. Although he was enthusiastic about the cells I didnt find them that interesting and just pretended to like the pictures I took. The fourth day was the best day of the week. I was in Guys hands for the day. I met him in the morning and he gave me the camera with a new film and sent me to town again and told me to return at two oclock. In town I met a lot of my friends and went shopping and took pictures of a burnt building that was in ruins. When I returned we changed the films into negatives in the dark room by using all sorts of chemicals, and let them dry for Friday. On Friday, Guy and I changed the negatives into real pictures. He was very impressed with the pictures I took of the burnt building and asked if he could keep some. This made me feel good of my self and made me consider a career in photography, maybe sport photography. We finished by eleven oclock so he gave me the afternoon off and I went home. I enjoyed the experience despite having doubts about it at the beginning of the week. The best part of the week was working with Guy, he really made me think about my career.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Social Responsibilities of businesses :: essays research papers

"Outline the argument for and against business having social responsibilities beyond that of making a profit. In the light of this, do you think businesses should make charitable donations to the Tsunami appeal? Justify your answer." 26th April 2005 To best understand the nature of the posed question I propose the articulated finding of the widespread acceptance that cooperate official and labour leaders have a 'social responsibility' that extends beyond the realm of serving shareholder and its members (Friedman 1962, p. 133). The following essay is aimed at highlighting the role of businesses, whether they are to have interest other than solely making profit and if so what groups should benefit from the success of a company. According to Wilson (2004, Vol.23, p. 23) arguments, the nature of existence for business or corporations should be 'everything to do with service to society, and only secondarily to do with profitability.' But this is quite on the contrary to the apparently antediluvian view put forward by corporate executives Friedman and Levitt (cited in Wilson, 2004, Vol.23, p. 23) highlighting '.the business of business is making money, not sweet music.' So why is there discrepancy between the ideal view of business and which should be placed under higher priority the shareholders or stakeholders (society). To understand both points of view we need to identify the party's involved and the relationship they have to the business and business operations. A stockholder (shareholder) is one that owns or holds a share or shares of stock in company, enterprise or organisation (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, 2005). Shareholders are the financial backing in the organisation, they are generally people interested in making a profit (in the form of dividends) and they supply capital to the organisation. On the contrary stakeholder are seen as any party that has an interest in an organization. Stakeholders of a company include stockholders, bondholders, customers, suppliers, employees, and so forth (Scott, 2003). Given the definition or both involved parties it is clear to see that the success of the business in making a profit will please the shareholders however, to make long-run profits in turn requires compatibility and complacency from its revenue source; the stakeholders. This requires the need for mission and vision driven company which must be truly responsive to stakeholders not only its shareholders (Wilson, 2004, Vol.23, p.23). These 'social responsibilities' must however be driven directly at the stakeholders involved with the business dealings in order to serve equally the shareholders. A clear example of miss-aimed social contribution and one which resulted in strong shareholder opposition was outlined when a number of Australian companies pledged finances to the tsunami relief effort in

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Anne Hathaway

â€Å"Anne Hathaway† by Carol Ann Duffy, the current poet laureate, is a strikingly poignant poem. It is in the persona of Anne Hathaway, Shakespeare’s wife, and is perceived to be the opinion of what she thinks about when she is left the second best bed in his will. The sonnet explores the loss felt by Hathaway as she grieves for her husband. Throughout the poem Duffy effectively uses poetic techniques to explore the feeling of loss felt by Hathaway as she is now a widow. The sonnet form allows Duffy the opportunity to discuss the emotion of loss as it highlights the grief felt by Hathaway perfectly. The title of the poem is interesting as it directly quotes from Shakespeare’s will â€Å"Item I gyve unto my wife†. Using the sonnet form effectively allows the feeling of loss to flow through the poem. Duffy emphasises the words â€Å"living laughing love† by putting stresses on them. This highlights the feeling of loss that she has for her dead husband. Duffy wrote the poem in the persona of Anne Hathaway but did not follow the rules of the sonnet form. If Duffy followed the rules of the sonnet form then the work â€Å"rhyme† would fall on a stress but it doesn’t and this illustrates the flow of the emotion of loss. Duffy describes the bed that Hathaway and Shakespeare made love in as a â€Å"Spinning world†. This gives the idea of it being magical and exciting. Duffy uses metaphors such as â€Å"forests†¦Ã¢â‚¬  to indicate the romance that they shared as it is no longer there and now there is only the feeling of loss. Duffy uses the words â€Å"my lover’s words† and this instantly illustrates the feeling of loss because Hathaway would never be able to hear him speak to her again during romance. Enjambment is effectively used to convey the spilling over of emotions of loss felt by Hathaway as she remembers the romance and the kisses they shared. Duffy creates the idea that there relationship was bright, exciting and out of this world by using the words â€Å"shooting stars†. Duffy reinforces the emotion of loss felt by Hathaway with the words â€Å"these lips†. This highlights the fact that they will never be able to share the magical times they had together again. Duffy does not always stick to the iambic pentameter such as when it comes to the word â€Å"kisses†. This highlights the fact that these are personal and they will never be able to do this again so creating the feeling of loss for her husband. Duffy makes a reference to literature to create the idea that they were made for each other. She uses the words â€Å"a verb dancing in the centre of a noun†. This highlights the fact she will never be able to feel like this with anyone else because Shakespeare was the verb and she was the noun. The poet uses senses to reinforce the importance of the shared experiences Hathaway and Shakespeare had together. Duffy uses the phrase â€Å"by touch, by scent, by taste†. This brings their relationship to life and reinforces the idea that they won’t be able to share this romance again. Although other people sleep in the best bed they will never be able to reach the same level of excitement and romance that Hathaway and Shakespeare shared. Now that Shakespeare is no longer there Hathaway herself will no longer be able to reach the same level of romance and excitement in that bed. The poignant use of alliteration â€Å"my living laughing love† heightens the readers understanding of the emotion of loss felt by Hathaway as it makes the reader realise that she is sad at the death of her husband. In the beginning the poem talks about the bed that they shared and where exciting and magical happened but at the end it tells us of the bed where she was â€Å"held†. This instantly makes the reader feel sad as Hathaway has to deal with the emotion of loss and grief. Throughout the poem Duffy effectively creates the emotion of loss. The emotion of loss is illustrated through the bed that they shared and where all the magical and exciting moments happened. This creates the emotion of loss because she will no longer be able to relive those moments but instead only has the memories of them and the loss of her husband.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Crucible vs Real Life

The Salem Witch Trials were an extremely controversial period of time in our history. This was a time of suspicion and accusation of many innocent women and men that led to hysteria and complete turmoil in Salem Village. The Crucible portrays the Salem Witch Trials in a dramatic sense, but there are many similarities between the movie and the actual events. We can use these unusual events to compare to our own lives and learn from the mistakes of our past. I’ve found that although many differences are displayed between the movie and the actual events, the overall theme of The Crucible was accurate.One of the differences was the relationship between John Proctor and Abigail Williams. In the movie, their relationship had a much more intimate history than what actually occurred. They portrayed the pair to have had romantic relations, which created a very large shift in the plot of the movie. In real life, Proctor and Williams had no connection other than living in the same town b efore the witch trials. Also, another major difference was the character of Giles Corey. In the movie, he was pressed to death because he wouldn’t give up a name.In the actual events, Giles survived, but he was excommunicated from the church. He was very against the hangings that occurred, however, his name was re-entered onto the church scrolls in later years. The first similarity I noticed was the character of Reverend Hale. In the beginning, all he wanted was to use his church authority to help the people, but after the events got out of hand, he wanted nothing to do with the Salem Witch Trials. He was a large supporter of John Proctor. Another similarity was that all of this hysteria began in the home of Mr.Samuel Parris, involving his daughters and their friends after incidents of witchcraft in the woods. Arthur Miller, the director of The Crucible, used an â€Å"artistic license† to dramatize the events, and to make the overall movie more interesting to the viewe rs. Some may find this tactic unjust, however, I find that the changes he made didn’t display an inaccurate version of the Salem Witch Trials. The largest change that he made to the story was the love connection between Abigail Williams and John Proctor, and although that was untrue to theactual events, I found that it gave the movie an interesting twist. Besides the few differences, Miller stayed along the lines of the true story when it came to the actual hangings, character significances, and the tale of how the hysteria truly began along with who was primarily involved. When comparing the similarities and differences, numerous situations exist where the movie was spot on with the trials in 1692. Although there are significant differences, I believe that this did not take away from the historical facts, and that Miller properly used his artistic license.The severe lies and accusations which occurred in Salem during these trials appear so extreme that it would be impossible to compare to life today. However, recurrently in our modern day, it seems that some still haven’t learned from the mistakes of the past. Although not as severe as the hangings and false accusations that were shown in the witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts, the â€Å"breaking of charity† still proves to destroy friendships and relationships today. An example of this kind of situation could be a jealous friend starting a nasty rumour.Although it may seem harmless at first, the wildfire of gossip can travel even quicker the friend could imagine. If enough people believe and continue to spread the lie, this person could potentially lose many friends and have a lasting effect on their life, causing sadness and unjust treatment. Not to mention, the relationship between the victim and the rumour-starter would be severed until the situation is fully dissolved. Despite the fact that occurrences of this today rarely lead to death or the destruction of a close-knit town, the repercussions of lies can take a harsh effect on relationships to many people.In conclusion, the details of the actual Salem Trials and the movie The Crucible have many similarities and differences that are portrayed throughout history. I believe that Miller’s use of an â€Å"artistic license† is justifiable, and also think that the events of the witch trials can even compare to situations in life today. It’s possible to learn many lessons from this severe religious type of control, and many different opinions are portrayed throughout both the movie and the actual happenings.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The German Infinitive Verb Form

The German Infinitive Verb Form Just like in English, the German infinitive is the basic form of a verb (schlafen/to sleep). However, it is less frequently found than in English to be accompanied by the preposition zu/to. The following is an overview of specifics pertaining to the German infinitive. The Ending of German Infinitives Most German infinitives end with -en (springen/to jump), but there are also some verbs that end in the infinitive with -ern, -eln, -n (wandern/to wander, hike, sammeln/to collect, sein/to be). Tenses and Moods The German infinitive is used in the following tenses and moods: The future: Er will morgen arbeiten./He wants to work tomorrow.Conjunctive II: Mein Vater mà ¶chte gerne nach Kà ¶ln reisen./My father would like to travel to Cologne.In the passive: Die Tà ¼r sollte verriegelt sein./The door should be locked.In the passive perfect: Das Kind scheint zu spt angekommen zu sein./The child seems to have arrived too late.With modal verbs:  Der Junge soll die Banana essen, aber er will nicht./The boy should eat the banana, but he does not want to. Infinitives as Nouns Infinitives can become nouns. No changes are necessary. Only you must remember to precede the infinitive noun with the article das and to always capitalize it. For example: das Liegen/the lying-down, das Essen- the food, das Fahren/the driving. Infinitives as Subject Some German infinitives can stand in as the subject of a sentence. Some of these are: anfangen, aufhà ¶ren, beginnen, andenken, glauben, hoffen, meinen, vergessen, versuchen. For example: Sie meint, sie hat immer recht./Sie meint, immer recht zu haben: She thinks she is always right. Note: If you say: Sie meint, er hat immer recht you cant replace er with the infinitive since the original subject of the sentence isnt restated. Ich freue mich, dass ich ihn bald wiedersehe./I am happy that I will be able to see him again.Ich freue mich ihn bald wiederzusehen./Im happy to see him again. Conjugated Verb Infinitive Only a handful of verbs can pair up with an infinitive in a German sentence. These verbs are: bleiben, gehen, fahren, lernen, hà ¶ren, sehen, lassen. (Ich bleibe hier sitzen/I will stay sitting here.) Conjunction Infinitive   Phrases with the following conjunctions will always carry a German infinitive, whether it a short or longer phrase: anstatt, ohne, um. For example:   Er versucht ohne seinen Stock zu gehen./He tries to walk without his cane.Sie geht in die Schule, um zu lernen./She goes to school to learn. Noun Infinitive   Sentences with der Spaß and die Lust will carry a German infinitive: Sie hat Lust, heute einkaufen zu gehen./She feels like going shopping today. Sentences with the following nouns will also carry a German infinitive: die Absicht, die Angst, die Freude, die Gelegenheit, der Grund, die Mà ¶glichkeit, die Mà ¼he, das Problem, die Schwierigkeiten, die Zeit. For example: Ich habe Angst dieses alte Auto zu fahren./I am scared to drive this old car.Sie sollte diese Gelegenheit nicht verpassen./She should not miss this opportunity. Exceptions: There will not be an infinitive  if there is a conjunction in the sentence: Es gibt ihr viel Freude, dass er mitgekommen ist./It gives her great joy that he came along.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

6 Reasons to Graduate Early From College

6 Reasons to Graduate Early From College Graduating college early is not for everyone. Most students need the full four years, or even five, to complete their education. But for those who have amassed enough credits and have fulfilled their general education and major requirements, there are some reasons for finishing a semester or even a year early. Here are some of the reasons: Saving Money One of the biggest reasons for graduating in less than four years is to save the cost of tuition and housing. The cost of college can put a grave strain on a family’s finances or rack up future debt for the student. By graduating early a student can ease this economic burden and save tens of thousands of dollars. Getting to the Job Market Sooner In addition to saving on tuition, a student who graduates college early can begin earning early. Instead of spending tuition dollars in what would have been their senior year, early graduates can begin earning an income. Interviewing Off Season   In the fall of senior year, there is a big rush to the job market for students graduating in May and June. Students who finish college early and are ready for the job market in January  may find themselves competing in a less crowded field. Applying to Graduate or Professional School Students finishing their bachelors degrees early who plan to apply to graduate or professional school will have more time to prepare for their entrance exams and complete their applications and any interviews that the process requires. Get a Break Many colleges graduate their students in May or June. Full-time jobs for these students sometimes begin only a few weeks later. By graduating early, students give themselves time for a break, perhaps some travel or time with their families or potentially a useful internship. Once  students enter the job market they may have very little vacation time in their new position and graduating early may give them the last block of free time they will have for perhaps many years. Shorten a Very Long Road For students planning to go on to professional or graduate school, particularly medical school, there are many years of schooling ahead. Graduating early offers a break and chance to do something else for a period of time in what is a very long academic journey. Other Things to Keep in Mind These are all good reasons for graduating college early yet while explaining how their students can graduate early, Duke University offers an alternative view, â€Å"Bear in mind that your college years come at a special time in your life and are a rare opportunity for you to engage so freely and intensely in your development, intellectual and otherwise. Think twice before cutting your Duke career short. As an alternative to graduating early, even if you are eligible to do so, you might think about enriching your experience by taking a semester to travel or study abroad.† Sue Shellenbarger, in an article  about exploring early college graduation for the Wall Street Journal, explains that she regrets her decision to graduate in less than four years and explains, â€Å"I went through undergrad school in three and a half years, and I wish now I had done more extracurricular activities and had a little more fun. Our working lives are decades long, and I constantly tell my own two college students that their university days offer an opportunity for reflection and exploration. The one thing early graduates dont need to worry about missing? The graduation ceremony with their class, Most colleges (and any student considering an early graduation should check with their school) are delighted to have early graduates partake in all of the year-end graduation festivities.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

African American Studies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

African American Studies - Assignment Example As Ogbar points out, it is now the case that in the past decade, hip-hop has often "deviated from conventional notions of race," even though race and ethnicity still play a big role (Ogbar, 38). The first section of the chapter deals with the way that definitions of the "real" from the 60s, 70s, and through the 90s. Ogbar argues that hip-hops appeal during its formative years stemmed from the way it pulled from what he labels "black oppositional culture," which opposed "the dominant [white] culture and ideologies" (Ogbar, 39). Because of this, what makes things real in hip-hop is at some level "an intimate familiarity with the urban, working-class landscapes" of the 1970s, as well as basic knowledge of criminal activity in most cases (Ogbar, 39). It is worth noting, however, that hip-hop from the late 90s on has been increasingly political as well, including from commercial rappers who address the problems their ethnic culture faces in "sophisticated and highly racialized discources" (Ogbar, 40). Interestingly, Ogbar also points out that a lot of the essential elements of hip-hop culture came from Puerto Ricans and other non-black ethnicities (Ogbar, 40). This leads into a longer discussion of race, going from what coinstitues a "real nigga" (Ogbar, 44), the rise of gangsta rap (Ogbar, 45), and the effect that a shift from New York City to Los Angeles, with its rampant gangs, heavier chicano presence, had as hip-hop began to feature "raw and bold depiction[s] of ghetto life in postindustrial Los Angeles" (Ogbar, 45). It is especially interesting to see how the group called Cypress Hill, which was made up of Latino artists, used black slang that should have been very offensive, but which ended up making them "the first Latino group to go platinum" (Ogbar, 46). And the way in which Asian-American hip-hop singers do the opposite, by not using black slang at all but still talking out about racism